Kalenterikuvakisa 2022

Nyt alkaa olla korkea aika ladata muistikortit/filmit kameroihin, sillä kalenterikuvakisa tulee!

Kuluvan vuoden aikana järjestetään 12 erilaista kuvakilpailua/haastetta vaihtuvin teemoin ja voittajakuvista koostetaan kalenteri vuodelle 2023. Voittajat valitaan äänestyksellä jokaisen kilpailun jälkeen. Kilpailujen voittajat saavat palkinnoksi kalenterin itselleen veloituksetta. Jokaisesta kilpailusta tiedotetaan erikseen.


  • Kuhunkin kilpailuun voi osallistua yhdellä kuvalla per kuvaaja
  • Kuvaajan tulee olla TT-kameroiden jäsen
  • Kilpailun voittaneet kuvaajat eivät voi voittaa toista kertaa


In english:

Now is a good time to load memory cards / films into your cameras, as the calendar photo competition is coming! During the current year, 12 different photo competitions / challenges with changing themes will be organized and a calendar for 2023 will be compiled from the winning photos. The winners will be chosen by voting. The winners of the competitions will receive a calendar for themselves free of charge. Each competition will be announced separately.


  • Each competition can be entered with one photo
  • the photographer must be a member of the club
  • Photographers who win a competition cannot win a second time

Table of all subjects and important links

Month Subject/Rules Timewindow to take photos Submit link Submit deadline Vote link Vote deadline Winner
January "Tuisku" NHLxNBA photowalk 30.1.2022 Closed 28.2.2022 23:59 Closed 6.3.2022 22:00 Julia Shestopalova
February The photo shows Insinöörinkatu, street next to DUO shopping mall. The image exposure time should be at least 5 seconds. Until 6.3.2022 Closed 20.3.2022 22:00 Closed Closed Patrik Parviainen
March A picture that shows spring light reflected from a surface, such as a pond or a display window. Until 31.3. link 22.5.2022 Closed Closed Teemu Peltoniemi
April Helvetinjärvi national park trip During the trip Closed Closed Closed Closed Nico Koski
May Heräävä luonto/awakening nature Until 31.5. Closed 30.6. Closed Closed Aaro Tuukkanen
June "Green" Until 30.6. link 31.7. Closed Closed Juho Pyykkönen
July "Summer and flies" Until 31.7. link Until 31.8. Closed Closed Laura Venäläinen
August Field Until 31.8. Closed Closed Closed Closed Eeli Hernesniemi
September New beginning Until 30.9. Closed Closed Closed Closed Eppu Hassinen
October Black and white Until 31.10. Closed Closed Closed Closed Pauli Hentilä
November Excitement Until 30.11. Closed 7.12. TT-Kamerat official Closed Iuliia Shestopalova
December Cold and warm Until 30.11. Closed 7.12. TT-Kamerat official Closed Mikael Peltoketo